Will Consuming Dried Prunes Have an Effect on Blood Sugar Levels?

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Similar to other dried fruits, prunes include natural carbohydrates, mostly glucose and fructose. Therefore, due to the higher water and fiber content in fresh fruits, eating dried prunes can lead to a faster jump in blood sugar levels.

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However, factors including portion size, individual metabolism, and whether they are eaten with other foods can impact how much dried prunes affect blood sugar levels.

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Prunes, on the other hand, are rich in fiber—soluble and insoluble fiber alike. Dried prunes can cause a surge in blood sugar levels, however fiber can help reduce this spike by slowing the absorption of sugar. 

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Prunes' soluble fiber also aids in insulin sensitivity and long-term glucose regulation.

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Be mindful of quantity control and the role that dried prunes play in your diet if you suffer from diabetes or are worried about your blood sugar levels. 

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If you eat dried prunes as part of a well-balanced meal or snack that also includes protein, healthy fats, and other kinds of fiber.

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You can reduce the impact that dried prunes have on your blood sugar levels. 

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Consult with a medical professional or a registered dietitian if you are interested in receiving particular recommendations regarding the management of your blood sugar levels and the consumption of dried fruits.


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