In 2024, on International Women's Day, the Pap smear test for cervical cancer screening will be the most important screening test for Indian women. Women should obtain these additional tests on a regular basis.
Self-healthcare does not yet include yearly physicals or other routine assessments. Regular checkups are an important part of self-care and can aid in the management of some health issues.
Blood and imaging examinations should be part of the routine health checks in addition to the essentials like blood pressure and body mass index (BMI). The importance of each test depends on the patient's age and their current, past, and family medical history.
Several blood tests should be performed, including a complete blood count, haemoglobin, blood sugar, lipid, thyroid, vitamins (D3, B12, and calcium), liver and kidney evaluation, urine study, and CA 125, a blood marker for ovarian cancer based on age, imaging, and family history.
Imaging studies recommend mammograms from 40 to rule out breast cancer. Naturally, one must self-examine monthly and see a doctor annually. Ultrasound is recommended for uterine fibroids/polyps/adenomyosis and ovarian cysts/endometriosis/cancers. Menopausal women should get a DEXA to diagnose osteopenia early and prevent osteoporosis.
The Pap smear test, which is used to screen for cervical cancer, is the most important screening test that is performed on Indian women. The procedure is recommended for women between the ages of 21 and 65,
and it should be repeated once every three to five years (depending on the individual's sexual history, surgical history, and previous Pap smear report). The single most important test that has the potential to save the lives of a great number of women is this one.
Along with this, dental, eye, and ENT examinations, as well as cardiac evaluations (with an electrocardiogram and a two-dimensional echo), can be included to the health checkups in order to make them more thorough.
Checkups like this not only assist medical professionals in determining whether or not a patient has a health problem, but they also have the potential to identify or forecast diseases that might potentially be fatal.