How Do You Make the Most of a Bag of Walnuts?

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A bag of walnuts can be used in many cuisines or eaten as a nutritious snack. Try these strategies to maximize a bag of walnuts:

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Snack on them: Walnuts are healthy and tasty alone. Eat them raw or roasted for taste. Be careful with calorie-dense portion sizes.

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Toasted walnuts lend crunch and nuttiness to salads. For a tasty salad, sprinkle them on leafy greens with fruits, cheese, and vinaigrette.

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Walnuts are popular in cookies, brownies, muffins, and cakes. Chop and incorporate them into the batter for flavor and texture.

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Make walnut butter: Blend walnuts in a food processor until smooth, like peanut or almond butter. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup. Use it to dip veggies or spread on toast or fruit.

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As with almond or oat milk, soaked walnuts are blended with water and strained through a cheesecloth or nut milk bag. It can replace dairy in dishes and drinks.

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Walnut crust: Crushed walnuts make a crispy covering for meats and fish. After egg wash, coat protein with broken walnuts before baking or frying.

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Make energy bars: Mix chopped walnuts, dates, oats, and other dried fruits. Press the mixture into a pan, chill until solid, then cut into bars for a healthy, portable snack.


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