Foods and Strategies to Alleviate Pregnancy-Related Nausea.

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Morning sickness or pregnancy-related nausea can be uncomfortable for expectant mothers. These foods and methods may reduce pregnancy nausea:

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Ginger naturally reduces nausea. Ginger tea, candies, and ale are options. Grating fresh ginger into hot water and drinking it as tea helps some ladies.

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Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help prevent nausea by keeping your stomach from being too empty or full.

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Avoiding Trigger Foods: Know what makes you sick and avoid it. Hot, oily, or sweet foods are common triggers.

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Acupressure bracelets may reduce nausea by applying pressure to a wrist spot. They are drug-free and pregnancy-safe.

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Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration and nausea. Drink water, herbal teas, or electrolyte-replenishing liquids.

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Strong smells can make you sick, so avoid cooking or being around them. Open windows or use a fan to air out your home.

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Each woman's pregnancy-related nausea is different, so it may take some trial and error to find what works for you. If your nausea is severe or persistent, visit your doctor for personalized advice and treatment options.


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